Housing Hope‘s Team HomeBuilding program is based on a United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development program called Mutual Self-Help Housing. This national program has been in existence since 1976 and has helped more than 35,000 families fulfill their dream of homeownership.
- Building Groups are comprised of five to ten, low to moderate income Owner/Builders providing “sweat equity” instead of a down payment
- Owner/Builders need a source of steady income. You will have a monthly mortgage payment. Payments don’t start until you move into your new home. These payments are often subsidized for those who have lower incomes which can reduce the payment (including taxes and insurance) to less than market rent for an apartment.
- Families can be as small as a single person who may or may not have any children. Many of our Owner/Builders are single parents.
- Team HomeBuilding is an Equal Opportunity Program. Accommodations can be made for Owner/Builders with disabilities.
- Each Team member works on all the homes within the Group and no one moves in until all the homes are completed in the Group.
- No construction experience is required. Everyone can find a role in which they can help complete the project. To conform to state labor and safety laws, no one under the age of 16 is allowed on the work site.
- A full time Construction Supervisor is present on site to help guide the Team’s efforts.
- One third of the work is hired out and performed by subcontractors. The balance is done by the Owner/Builders, their families, friends and community volunteers.
- Owner/Builders will be working with other Team members on a wide range of tasks. There are an amazing number of things that need to be done when building a house.
Housing Hope is a local nonprofit based in Everett Washington since 1987. We have helped 267 families achieve their goal of Home Ownership throughout Snohomish County.