CAC of Fayette County

CAC of Fayette CountyThe CAC of Fayette County‘s Self-Help Housing Program has been in operation since 1993 and has assisted over 250 families in making homeownership a reality. Homeowners qualify for a 502 mortgage with USDA, and work in teams to build their own homes. This process makes the home affordable as each family contributes at least 65% of the construction labor which equates to sweat equity. Community Action Commission oversees the program and provides technical assistance to the homeowners through the USDA 523 Self-Help Program.

The Self-Help Program provides a Loan Packager and Group Coordinator to organize the group of families, selects suitable building lots and house plans, calculates eligibility for a USDA/RD 502 Loan and assists in every step of the loan process. A construction supervisor and manager will train and work with each approved applicant, so that families who have no skill or previous building experience can participate with confidence.

We do FREE credit analysis and home buyer education for all applicants.

Overview CAC of Fayette’s Self-Help Housing Program

The mission of Self-Help Housing is to facilitate the production of affordable housing and the development of sustainable communities throughout Fayette and surrounding counties of Ross, Greene, Madison, Clinton and Highland in Ohio. We provide safe, permanent, affordable housing and supportive services for low and moderate income individuals and families.

Supportive services provided will enable individuals and families to become educated in financial fitness, predatory lending and homeownership. We are committed to livable and sustainable rural communities by asserting the importance of developing safe, healthy, and adequate housing as an integral part of the community infrastructure.

We are dedicated to smart growth and the achievement of helping people obtain the American Dream of homeownership.

Services Include:

  • New Home Ownership Opportunities
  • Credit Repair & Credit Analysis
  • Budgeting
  • Financial Literacy
  • Homebuyer Education Classes

Historical Data of Self-Help Housing Program

Year Began


Total Homes

306 New Construction

15 Repaired

Area Served

Fayette, Clinton,

Highland, Ross,

& Greene Counties

CAC of Fayette County in the News


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